Employers and workers explain what the real Living Wage means to them

Economy A man working at a coffee machine
NewsNovember 12th, 2020

Continuing our activities for Living Wage Week 2020, we asked a number of Living Wage employers what their reasons are for paying this rate – and the difference this makes to workers.

Living Wage employers including Melin Homes, the WCVA and SCVS explained a myriad of factors that have motivated them to pay staff the real Living Wage. Morale and staff retention are key factors, allowing employers to retain skills and experiences by ensuring staff feel valued. The fair work agenda was touched on, with employers strongly feeling that the real Living Wage represents a fair reward for workers. Wider social responsibilities were also noted as a motivation, with the real Living Wage regarded as a long-term investment in the economy and aiding efforts to reduce poverty.

It was clear from workers that receiving the real Living Wage brings improvements to almost every aspect of work and living. Receiving a wage that is calculated based on the current costs of living gives workers a sense of security both inside and outside work, with fewer financial worries alongside staff feeling valued leading to increased productivity. This sense of security is especially palpable for those entering the job market, with the real Living Wage providing a strong financial foundation for building a career. Crucially, the real Living Wage brings huge benefits to those with caring responsibilities, allowing workers to have greater choice over how many hours they need to work without worrying about the financial hit.

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Find out more about our Living Wage Week 2020 activities here.


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