A fair, prosperous and sustainable Wales for all.
We are independent, informed, inspiring and inclusive in everything we do.
To create insights, ideas and impact that end poverty and inequality.
We develop insights by listening to people’s experiences, analysing data and bringing expert thought-leaders to a wider audience via briefings, articles, seminars and conferences.
We use robust evidence and the exchange of ideas and good practice to generate innovative, practical and lasting solutions to improve people’s lives and transform Wales.
We inspire decision-makers in government, public bodies and the third and private sectors to take action. We inform public policy through impartial engagement with the political arena, sharing resources and comment in the media.
The Bevan Foundation was founded in 2001 to strengthen public policy after devolution.
We took our name from Aneurin Bevan, founder of the NHS, because of a shared commitment to social justice, although the Foundation is firmly non-partisan.
Since then we have made a significant contribution to public policy:
In 2020-21 we also:
Many people and organisations enable the Foundation to make a big impact.
Subscriptions and donations
More than 100 organisations of all kinds have a subscription to our unique insights and opportunities to learn and network with others. Each contributes £400 (£300 for charities).
Hundreds of individuals support the Bevan Foundation with either one-off or regular donations. Their support enables us to speak out, develop solutions and make a difference.
In 2021/22 subscriptions and donations raised a total of £68,070.
Trusts and Foundations
Specific projects are supported by charitable trusts and foundations. Funders in 2021-22 that contributed more than £5,000 were:
Some of grants awarded include sums that were re-granted to community groups.
The charity also received grants from four funders of less than £5,000 each which are listed in its annual report and accounts.
The Bevan Foundation generates income from providing training and organising events (£6,922 in 2021/22), and small-scale commissioned research (contributions over £5,000 were received from Beth Winter MP (£8,250)).
We are a registered charity no. 1104191 and company limited by guarantee no. 4175018
Email: [email protected] Tel: 01685 350938 Twitter Facebook YouTube LinkedIn
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