State of Wales briefing: Wales’ changing population

People Child with Welsh flag
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BriefingsResourcesAugust 1st, 2022

The latest briefing exclusively for supporters and subscribers looks at what the 2021 Census of Population tells us abut how Wales is changing.

Wales’ population is larger than ever before. But major changes have taken place in the last ten years. This briefing outlines some of the key changes, covering:

  • the total population
  • children
  • young people
  • population of working age
  • older people

Each section includes a summary of changes in Wales between 2011 and 2021, and then looks at change across local authorities.   A final section considers the implications of the trends revealed in the analysis.

This is an essential read for anyone interested in contemporary and future Wales, and is one of the benefits of a subscription to the Bevan Foundation.

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