We’ve joined forces with Digital Health and Care Wales to create a special supplement in Exchange 23 on how digital technology is driving improvements in healthcare.
Thanks to Digital Health and Care Wales for working with us to create this very special supplement.
This supplement shares current digital solutions in healthcare, important considerations that are needed to create digital transformations and the future of digital healthcare.
Highlights include:
- Doing healthcare differently in 2098 : Mike Emery, Chief Digital and Innovation Officer (Health and Care) for NHS Wales and Welsh Government and Siwan Menez , Head of Value in Health at Welsh Government, say the future of healthcare is digital.
- NHS Wales- One Digital Team: Digital Health and Care Wales’ products and services are supporting every step of a patient’s journey. Two examples show how digital is helping to save lives.
- Looking through the eyes of the user: Harriet Green, joint CEO at Centre for Digital Public Services, asks how people in the public sector can change how they think, work and act so that services work better for the people who use them.
And even more!
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