Talking about think tanks

Bevan Foundation Vicotira Winckler speaking
Photo: Bill Powell
NewsFebruary 19th, 2024

Our Director recently spoke at the Lloyd George Society’s annual meeting in Llandrindod Wells.

Our Director, Dr Victoria Winckler, was delighted to address the weekend meeting of the Lloyd George Society held in Llandrindod Wells on 17th February. The subject of her talk was ‘Do the Welsh Liberal Democrats need a think tank?’

In her talk, Victoria aimed to help the Welsh Liberal Democrats answer the question, by describing what a think tank is and does, and why think tanks are important in a healthy democracy. She said that there are around 150 independent think tanks in the UK – Wales ought to have around 7 based on its share of the population but in fact only has two. She noted that several, such as Gorwel, Nova Cambria and the Centre for Welsh Policy Studies, had closed recently.

Victoria then gave some examples of how the Bevan Foundation had used evidence to inform public policy and change outcomes for low income families, and gave six top tips that she recommended any new think tank should consider.  

The Lloyd George Society brings together like-minded people who have an interest in Welsh life and culture, history, as well as the life of David Lloyd George. The Society was founded in the late 1950s by Liberals in Wales, and has continued to meet annually.



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