Wythnos yng Nghymru fydd, sut fydd Covid 19 yn newid Cymru? Back to the future, how will Covid 19 change Wales?

EventsWebinarEvent Date: Aug 13th, 2020

Mae Coronafirws wedi cael effaith ar bawb dros y misoedd diwethaf ond wrth i’r cyfnod clo ddechrau llacio ymunwch a’n panel i drafod effaith hir dymor y firws ar Gymru

Mae Coronafirws wedi cael effaith ar bawb dros y misoedd diwethaf ond wrth i’r cyfnod clo ddechrau llacio beth fydd effaith hir dymor y firws ar Gymru? A fydd pethau yn dychwelyd i’r hen drefn neu a oes na gyfle i lunio “normal newydd”? Dyma rhai o’r cwestiynau a drafodwyd gan ein panel wrth i ni ystyried effaith y firws ar Gymru dros y misoedd a’r blynyddoedd nesaf.

Ymhilth y themau a drafodwyd:

  • Beth all Cymru wneud mewn ymateb i’r feirws
  • Sut allen llunio ein dyfodol wrth ymateb i’r feirws

Coronavirus has had an impact on everyone over the past few months but as lockdown eases join our panel to discuss it’s long term impact on Wales.

Coronavirus has had an impact on everyone over the past few months but as lockdown eases what will be the long term impact of the virus on Wales? Will things return to the way they were or will there be an opportunity to design a “new normal”?  These are some of the questions addressed by our panel in this webinar, as we consider the impact the virus is likely to have on Wales over the weeks and months to come.

Some of the key topics covered include:

  • what we can do in Wales in reaction to the virus
  •  how we can shape our future as we recover from the virus

Read the English transcript »

The Presenters:

Head shot of Jeremy Miles

Jeremy Miles AS/MS

Cafodd Jeremy ei ethol i Senedd Cymru yn 2016 yn cynrychioli etholaeth Castell Nedd. Cafodd ei benodi yn Y Cwnsler Cyffredinol a'r Gweinidog Pontio Ewropeaidd ym mis Rhagfyr 2018 ac ef sydd yn arwain gwaith Llywodraeth Cymru ar ailgodi ar ôl COVID-19.

Jeremy was elected to the Welsh Parliament in 2016 and represents the Neath constituency. He was appointed as Counsel General and Minister for European Transition in December 2018 and is leading the Welsh Government's work on rebuilding after Covid 19.  

Head shot of Delyth Jewell

Delyth Jewell AS

Mae Delyth wedi bod yn aelod o Senedd Cymru ers 2019 ac yn cynrychioli rhanbarth De Ddwyrain Cymru. Mae Delyth wedi ei phenodi yn Weinidog Cysgodol Trawsnewid Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus a’r Dyfodol a Cydlynydd gyda Chymdeithas y Cynghorwyr, yng Nghabinet Cysgodol Plaid Cymru

Delyth has been a member of the Welsh Parliament since 2019 and represents the South Wales East region. Delyth has been appointed as Plaid Cymru's Shadow Minister for Public Service Transformation and the Future, Local Government Association Coordinator.

Headshot of Sam Kurtz

Cynghorydd Sam Kurtz

Mae Sam yng Gynghorydd ar gyfer y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn Sir Benfro. Cafodd ei ethol i gynrychioli ward Scleddau yn 2017.

Sam is a Conservative Councillor in Pembrokeshire. He was elected to represent the Scleddau ward in 2017.

Tagged with: CoronavirusCymraeg


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