The Gwent Network of the Bevan Foundation & Newport Equality Group invite you to a screening of Ken Loach’s The Spirit of ‘45
Date: Wednesday 9th October 2013,
Time: 7-00 for 7-30 pm
Venue: Room A9, University of South Wales Newport City Campus NP20 2BP.
How to get there: Follow the directions: Parking is available at City Campus for blue badge holders – otherwise please park at the Kingsway Centre or use public transport.
Why you should go:
1945 was a pivotal year in British history. The unity that carried Britain through the war allied to the bitter memories of the inter-war years led to a vision of a better society. The spirit of the age was to be our brother’s and our sister’s keeper. Director Ken Loach has used film from Britain’s regional and national archives, alongside sound recordings and contemporary interviews to create a rich political and social narrative. The Spirit of ‘45 hopes to illuminate and celebrate a period of unprecedented community spirit in the UK, the impact of which endured for many years and which may yet be rediscovered today.
Cost: free
Booking: prior booking not needed – just turn up!
Email: [email protected] Tel: 01685 350938 Twitter Facebook YouTube LinkedIn
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