Legal aid is in crisis, with funded provision for asylum seekers and migrants in Wales fast disappearing. Very few legal aid providers remain in this area of law, and offices are concentrated mainly in South-East Wales. One by one, these are closing their doors. Unless urgent action is taken, there is a very real risk that within a few years Wales will have no legal aid-funded immigration and asylum provision.
We will share the most important findings from our latest report, based on recent research into legal aid provision in Wales. We will give a short presentation of the key findings and share our recommendations. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and comment on the research.
Isata is the Project Lead for the Access to Justice project. Isata has worked on many and varied projects supporting and promoting the work of migrants and refugees and in the areas of children’s rights, equalities, and community participation.
Elinor is the Project Officer for the Access to Justice project. Elinor is currently looking at how to increase access to advice on immigration matters in Wales.
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