Join us to create a fairer Wales!

May 2019 marks the 20th anniversary of devolution in Wales.

We’re proud to have played a hand in shaping decision-making in Wales, but while devolution has brought many positive changes, inequality is still rife. We urgently need your help to create a fairer Wales.

Join us for #AFairerWales today »

Watch our short video:

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*Download or scroll down for our infographic on what the Bevan Foundation has already done for devolution*

  • Although there are a quarter of a million more people in work now than in 1999, unemployment amongst young men has increased.
  • The proportion of children and pensioners living in poverty has gone down, but there has been no change to the proportion of working age adults in poverty.
  • The average price of a house purchased in Wales has increased by roughly 50% since 2004, but the average weekly rent has nearly doubled.
  • There have been dramatic improvements in the proportion of pupils gaining 5 or more GCSE passes at grades A*-C, but the gap between boys and girls has remained virtually the same, and the gap between pupils receiving free school meals and those who don’t has widened.
  • Smoking prevalence has fallen from 26% in 2003-4 to 19% in 2015, but risen from 41% to 43% amongst people who are unemployed or have never worked.

Devolution must work for everyone

Devolution gives people in Wales the power to decide their future, but it needs innovative solutions to make it a fair future.

Our solutions have helped to:

  • increase the number of workers being paid the real Living Wage,
  • persuaded the Welsh Government to consider devolving some welfare benefits,
  • bring forward new devolved taxes and
  • led the Welsh Government to invest £25 million in ‘strategic hubs’ in the valleys.

But there’s much more we can do with your help.

Join us in our campaign for #AFairerWales now »

Wales said yes to devolution – now it’s time to say yes to a fairer Wales

As an independent charity that receives no government funding we have the freedom to develop genuinely new and unbiased solutions. But we desperately need your support.

Please will you spare a few moments to become a Bevan Foundation supporter and help us create greater equality in Wales?

Say ‘yes’ to #AFairerWales today »


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