Cuts Watch Cymru: Mitigating the Impact of Changes to Housing Benefit in Wales

Poverty A key in a door
Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay
ReportsResourcesMarch 11th, 2013

The UK Government has embarked on radical changes to Housing Benefit (HB) which will affect the help that thousands of people receive with the costs of renting their home. Many will be faced with having to move to a cheaper home, if they can find one, or living with a reduction in benefit. Some risk falling into arrears and losing their home altogether. Almost all will face the challenge of managing their household finances differently.

This action paper briefly sets out some of the effects of the main changes to Housing Benefit on people in Wales. It then moves to present six main recommendations before suggesting ways that these recommendations can be met. This action paper calls on the Welsh Government, local authorities, and housing associations to work pro-actively and collaboratively to mitigate the worst effects of the changes on tenants
in Wales.

The recommendations can be downladed here:

Cuts Watch Cymru Action Paper


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