Social landlords in Wales deliver more than houses. They are at the heart of addressing serious issues of inequality, poverty and exclusion.
Housing organisations achieve most when they focus on the social impact they create, engage with service users and proactively embrace the diverse needs of communities they serve.
This new annual event is about moving beyond compliance. It will provide a platform for debate and dialogue on the future direction of equality, diversity and housing. It is also an opportunity to exchange ideas and gain knowledge on practical solutions to common issues.
This event will feature:
Speakers include:
Cost: £80 members, £100 non-members, 50% discount for tenants and poorly funded community organisations. Limited number of exhibition spaces available.
Date: 16th October 2013
Time: 9:15am – 4:00pm
Venue: Future Inn, Hemingway Road, Cardiff, Glamorgan, CF10 4AU
To book, please click here.
Email: [email protected] Tel: 01685 350938 Twitter Facebook YouTube LinkedIn
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