Wales has an increasingly distinctive approach to learning and skills, but the challenges remain including increasing provision for early years learning and childcare, raising attainment and closing the attainment gap, improving adult learning, and increasing participation in higher education.
Low attainment and poor skills stop children and adults achieving their full potential. They are associated with low incomes, insecure employment and digital exclusion, and also act as a brake on economic growth and innovation.
The network brought together learning providers from schools and adult & community education to exchange experience and best practice in engaging with parents and carers – one of the few proven methods of improving attitudes, aspirations and behaviour. Completed in 2014, half the participants who responded to a survey said that they had changed their policies or practices as a result of attending one of the four seminars held.
A co-operative ethos in learning can increase attainment and engagement of parents and community with the school or college. This report reviewed the potential for a co-operative approach in Wales.
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