State of Wales briefings OLD

* Scroll down to get your free copy of our special Coronavirus briefing *

Our State of Wales briefings are one of our most popular publications.

The briefings provide authoritative, easy-to-access insights into how people are faring. Topics include:

  • Coronavirus *NEW*
  • Poverty
  • Education
  • Income
  • Housing and more.

State of Wales briefings are one of the exclusive  benefits of a Bevan Foundation subscription. Find out more about subscribing here.

Why you need State of Wales briefings

Our State of Wales briefings will:

  • help you and your organisation to gain a deeper understanding of equality and social justice in Wales today
  • enable you to identify issues facing specific groups in the population, helping you to better target your activities
  • save time and money looking for vital statistics

How subscribers use their briefings

There are a wide range of practical applications for the insights in State of Wales briefings – examples include:

  • to inform their organisation’s strategic planning
  • in speeches to the National Assembly for Wales
  • in funding bids.

Subscribers may also support additional briefings on a relevant topic at a highly competitive price. These special briefings can be co-branded with your organisation’s logo and use mutually-agreed key indicators and data.

How to get yours

Each month’s State of Wales briefing is emailed direct to your inbox as a PDF for easy sharing with colleagues.  Copies are also available in the ‘Supporters’ area’ of our website so you can access them when you need them.

Get a sample copy

Complete your details below and we’ll send you a sample copy, including our special State of Wales briefing on coronavirus.  You can also opt-in to receive our monthly free e-newsletter, Spark Select.

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