The support available for low income families has a significant impact on their likelihood of living in poverty. The Bevan Foundation’s latest publication sets out the clear case for establishing a Welsh Benefits System.
The social security system provides a vital anchor for people throughout their lives. From maternity allowance through statutory sick pay and job seekers’ allowance to the state pension and winter fuel allowance, a range of different benefits provide people in certain circumstances with an income.The social security system is complemented by a range of local and devolved benefits and services. Some are long-standing, such as the provision of free school meals, while others are relatively recent.
Although neglected in policy terms, changes to UK social security have made these devolved benefits increasingly important in the lives of people on low incomes. The Bevan Foundation has argued that there is potential to reform these devolved benefits so that they provide a coherent and seamless system of support that helps to lift people out of poverty. We have termed this a Welsh Benefits System.
The paper sets out the case for establishing a Welsh Benefits System considering some of the principles that should be at its core.
Report format: PDF
Language: English
Page: 5
Cost: Free