Co-operative Education in Wales

ReportsResourcesDecember 7th, 2012

Does co-operative education have anything to offer Wales?

Co-operative education dates back to the days of Robert Owen and has been taken forward actively by co-operative groups ever since. It fell from favour with the advent of statutory education, but is now enjoying a renaissance at least in parts of the UK.

Co-operative education means many things, from the ethos of a school, to how it organises learning and teaching, to its relationship with parents and the wider community. Schools can adopt co-operative status, setting up as indepenedent, co-operatively-run schools, and in England and Scotland hundreds are now doing so.

The benefits of a co-operative approach are many, whether or not co-operative status is adopted, and could – as Wales’s Minister for Education has recently recognised, offer a way forward for our beleagured education system.

Pages: 20pp

Format: PDF, 2MB

Cost: Free

Language: English

Download  Co-operative Ed final


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