16,000 learners get an extra £10 a week

Poverty Group of students chatting
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

The Bevan Foundation’s campaign to increase the value of Education Maintenance Allowance has resulted in an uplift of £10 a week.  


Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) is paid to learners aged 16-18 from low-income households who are in full-time education.  The Bevan Foundation’s research had revealed that the former rate of £30 a week had been unchanged for more than 15 years – despite increases in the cost of living, and that many students from poorer backgrounds were struggling as a result.  


The Bevan Foundation urged Welsh Ministers and Senedd members to increase the weekly amount of EMA in line with inflation, and to raise the household income threshold that determines if learners can receive EMA.  Our calls won cross-party support. after which the Welsh Government committed to a review EMA. A debate in the Senedd in April 2023, in which our findings were widely cited, prompted the Welsh Government to announce an immediate increase. 


The Education Minister’s announcement will provide an extra £10 a week during school or college terms for 16,000 learners who currently receive EMA. It will provide much needed help with the cost of transport, meals and college equipment, reducing poverty and helping students to stay in school or college. 

The Welsh Government has also commissioned a review of EMA, the findings from which we hope will put in place arrangements for sustainable funding for low-income learners. 



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