Thank you to everyone who entered our International Women’s Day Prize Quiz.
So how did everyone fare in their knowledge of women and equality in Wales?
Whilst the highest score was 78%, the average was 56%, which suggests that a lot of inequalities between men and women are still going hidden.
38% of respondents got the right answer to Question 1, which was: ‘Women outnumber men in Wales, but in which two counties do men outnumber women?’ The correct answers were Swansea and Ceredigion.
44% knew that the difference in weekly pay before tax of the typical woman in Wales compared with the typical man is £67 a week less. Shocking we know!
Question 3 asked: ‘When studying for a degree in Wales, In which subject do men outnumber women by seven to one?’ 69% guessed correctly: Computer Science.
A depressing 82% were all too aware that one in five women experience sexual assault in their lifetime.
Only 44% knew that the increase in women’s state pension age is saving the UK Treasury a whopping £5 billion a year.
46% of respondents overestimated the proportion of Wales’ 1.2 million women who were born outside the UK. 54% correctly guessed that it was 7%.
49% of respondents answered question 7 correctly: ‘How many women members of the National Assembly for Wales were elected in 2016?’ The answer was 25.
But the most overwhelming result was to question 4, which asked how much less leisure time women have than men in a week; 92% guessed correctly – it’s 5 hours.
Thanks once again to everyone who took an interest. To keep up to date with our work to reduce inequality in Wales, please sign up to our e-newsletter.
Our winners are enjoying reading about the Welsh women who championed equality 1840-1990 in their copies of ‘Rocking the Boat’.