We’ve launched our Pounds against Poverty campaign
1 in 4 people in Wales live in poverty.
Poverty doesn’t just affect people who are homeless or unemployed; it affects people like you…
People with jobs struggling to get by on low incomes, working parents desperate to make sure their children have a present to open, families scraping by with the help of food banks.
While many of us enjoy the festive shopping, others will struggle to afford the very basics – the things that make Christmas, well, Christmas.
It’s not right. It’s not acceptable.
That’s why we’ve launched our Pounds Against Poverty campaign this National Giving Tuesday.
Thanks to our generous funders and supporters, we’ve made great strides in finding solutions to end poverty in Wales, but we need help to do more.
This Christmas, we’re appealing to people to put some of their Pounds against Poverty and raise £2,000 to help us end the widespread, unjust poverty in Wales.
No one deserves to live in poverty – especially not at Christmas
We’re working hard to create ideas and affect changes to policy that help people move out of poverty and make a lasting difference to their lives and the lives of future generations.
Please help us reach our target by Tuesday 2nd January and make 2018 a more prosperous year for everyone.
Please put your pounds against poverty now.