The Bevan Foundation has questioned whether the new Welsh Government’s Programme for Government can be delivered in light of Brexit.
In evidence to the National Assembly for Wales’ External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee’s inquiry into the implications of Brexit for Public Services in Wales, Bevan Foundation Director, Victoria Winckler, said:
“Has anyone lookied at the extent to which the Programme for Government is deliverable in different Brexit scenarios? I suspect they haven’t. Yet some of those very fundamental aspirations could be derailed by a hard Brexit or soft Brexit. We need to be clear about what the scenarios are”
The Committee’s remit is to examine the implications for Wales of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union and to ensure Welsh interests are safeguarded during the withdrawal process and in any new relationship with the European Union. It is also considering post-withdrawal arrangements within the UK in terms of policy, finance and legislation.
You can view the evidence session here or watch it below.