Care and Repair

People A group of older people walking
NewsSeptember 20th, 2012

Bevan Foundation Director was delighted to speak to delegates at this year’s Care and Repair Cymru annual conference on September 20th in Cardiff.  Victoria looked at the question ‘Is Wales a good place to grow old?’, drawing on the Bevan Foundation’s report for Age Alliance Wales, published earlier in the year.

Victoria said that 2010 was a landmark year because it was then that the number of older people exceeded the number of children in Wales.  Despite having many innovations in policy on older people, unfortunately for too many people old age brought a marked reduction in quality of life.  We can see this on many statistics about older people and also in what older people have to say about the services they receive.

Care and Repair can make a real difference to older people’s well-being, enabling them to live independently and to have homes that are of a decent standard.  And it’s not just about repairs – the other services that Care and Repair offer, such as advice on benefits, can boost older people’s incomes too.

Tagged with: Older People


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