Subscription FAQs

About our subscriptions

What types of subscription do you offer?

The Bevan Foundation offers three types of subscription:

  • Insights (£460+VAT) our classic option for organisations who want to gain insights and inspiration to inform their work.
  • Engage (£760+VAT) – our intermediate option for organisations who want to gain insights and inspiration to inform their work, as well as opportunities to network with decision-makers and be more involved in our research.
  • Partner (contact us for more information) – for organisations who want a closer cooperation with the Bevan Foundation and to benefit from bespoke, impactful insights and opportunities.

You can find out more about the exclusive features offered in each subscription option via our ‘Get a subscription’ page.

Is each subscription option limited to a certain type of organisation?

No, our subscription options are not limited to organisation size or type. However, if your organisation is an education institution or a library, please contact us before taking out a subscription so we can discuss your requirements.

Is there a discount for charities?

Yes, registered charities and microbusinesses (organisations with 9 or fewer employees) are entitled to a 20% discount on all of our subscription options.

Is my organisation a subscriber?

If you are unsure whether your organisation already subscribes to the Bevan Foundation, please contact us and we will be happy to help.

Taking out a subscription

How do I sign up?

You can sign up online here or contact us to request an invoice.

How long does my subscription last?

A subscription runs for 12 months from the date of your first payment. We do not normally pro-rate subscriptions or provide refunds.

What payment options are available?

We offer annual payments via invoice or online. Monthly payments are available on request.

How do I renew my subscription?

The Bevan Foundation will normally invoice subscribers one month before their subscription is due for renewal. Payment is due within 30 days of the date of the invoice, after which subscriber benefits will end if the invoice is not paid.

How do I cancel my subscription?

We understand that circumstances may change and you may be unable to renew your subscription. If this is the case, please email us at [email protected] and we will end your subscription at your next renewal date.

We always welcome feedback so we can improve our subscription offer, so if you wish to cancel your subscription we would appreciate it if you could let us know why.

Using subscription benefits

How many people can benefit from the subscription in my organisation?

Each organisation has a primary contact and up to four secondary contacts who receive our subscriber-exclusive e-newsletter, Exchange Magazine and access to the Subscribers’ Area of our website. These contacts are able to share information and resources within your organisation, but not externally.

You can add or change your contacts by emailing [email protected].

What kind of events do you run?

We run a range of events including webinars, round-tables and training sessions. You can view our full events calendar here.

How do I get my subscription discount when booking onto events?

Many of our events are free, but if you wish to book onto a paid event please select the ‘Subscriber Special’ discounted ticket. Please note that if you book at the subscriber rate but are not a current subscriber, we reserve the right to charge the full price.

If you are an Engage or Partner subscriber, your organisation is entitled to 2x free training places per year. You can access these by using a promo code which will be sent to you via the Engage or Partner mailing list.

How do I access the Subscribers’ Area of the website?

The Subscribers’ Area includes current and back issues of State of Wales briefings and Exchange magazine, and other resources. It is accessed via a button on the top right of the website home page.

To log in, you will need a username and password. These are sent to you when your subscription starts along with a guide to using the subscribers’ area.

When you log in, you will be emailed an authentication code for security reasons. If you forget your password you can reset it by clicking ‘forgot password’ when you log in.

Please note that password reset and authentication emails come from our website platform – WordPress – and can sometimes end up in spam or junk folders.

How do I keep up to date?

We mainly use email to let you know about opportunities, and use Mailchimp as our sender. To avoid missing out, make sure your organisation allows receipt of Mailchimp newsletters and add us to your list of safe senders.

We also share regular updates on social media and we’d love to connect with you on X, LinkedIn and Facebook.

Can I quote your reports and briefings?

Yes! We’d be delighted if you want to quote our findings. Please make sure that you acknowledge the source. You can read our copyright guidance here.

Can I copy or share your reports and briefings?

You are very welcome to share any of our resources within your organisation, whether that is putting a magazine in your reception area or posting a briefing on your intranet. However, we do not permit adapting our materials, using them for commercial purposes or unattributed use. We also ask that you do not share exclusive content outside your organisation.

You can read our copyright guidance here.

Finding out more

Who do I contact about my subscription?

Please email [email protected] with your query and one of the team will get back to you.

My organisation would rather donate than have a subscription – how do I do this?

We would love to hear from you if you would like to support the Bevan Foundation with a donation. You can donate online here.

Where can I find your subscription Terms and Conditions?

You can read our subscription Terms and Conditions here.


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