Covid-19 had a huge impact on the education of children and young people. School closures along with staff and pupil sickness transformed how pupils learn and interact with their peers and teachers. It has hard not to conclude that the consequence has been to further deepen existing inequalities. What should be done to close the gap in attainment? How can learners re-engage with education? What role can education play in Wales’ recovery?
The Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles MS, has made clear that tackling the impact of poverty on attainment is his number one priority. In this keynote speech, the Minister will set out the whole system approach that is being developed by Welsh Government to achieve high standards and aspirations for all. Join us to hear his plans and to contribute to the thinking about how they can be realised.
The discussion will be chaired by Bevan Foundation director, Victoria Winckler.
Mae Covid-19 wedi cael effaith enfawr ar addysg plant a phobl ifanc. Mae cau ysgolion ynghyd â salwch staff a disgyblion wedi trawsnewid sut mae disgyblion yn dysgu ac yn rhyngweithio â’u cyfoedion a’u hathrawon. Mae’n anodd peidio casglu fod hyn wedi dyfnhau anghydraddoldebau â oedd yn bodoli eisoes. Beth dylid ei wneud i gau’r bwlch cyrhaeddiad? Sut gall dysgwyr ail-ymgysylltu ag addysg? Pa rôl gall addysg chware yn adferiad Cymru?
Mae’r Gweinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg, Jeremy Miles AS, wedi ei gwneud hi’n glir taw ei brif flaenoriaeth yw i daclo effaith tlodi ar gyrhaeddiad. Yn yr araith hon fe fydd y Gweinidog yn amlinellu y cynllun system gyfan sydd yn cael ei ddatblygu gan Llywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau safonau uchel a uchelgeisiol i bawb. Ymunwch a ni i glywed mwy am ei gynlluniau ac i gyfrannu at y drafodaeth ar sut y gellir eu gwireddu.
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