Is it time for a Universal Basic Income in Wales

EventsResourcesVideosWebinarEvent Date: Jun 10th, 2020  Time: 15:00

The outbreak of Coronavirus has prompted calls for a Universal Basic Income to be introduced in Wales. Join our webinar to find out more about the idea, its pluses and pitfalls.

The Coronavirus outbreak has seen more than 100,000 people in Wales claim Universal Credit in just a few weeks, with forecasts of many more needing to claim in the coming months.

This webinar explores whether it is time to replace this means-tested benefit with a radically-new approach – a Universal Basic Income (UBI) – for everyone in Wales.

Some of the key topics covered include:

  • what is a Universal Basic Income and how it might work in Wales;
  • the pros and cons of a UBI;
  • why now might be the right time to introduce it;
  • alternatives to UBI.

The Presenters:

Victoria Winckler

Victoria Winckler - host

Dr Victoria Winckler has been the Director of the Bevan Foundation since 2002, establishing it as Wales’ most exciting and innovative think-tank. Victoria is also currently Wales adviser to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Ian Gough

Ian is Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics. Ian was previously Chair of social policy at the University of Bath and is now visiting professor at the LSE's Centre for the Analysis of Social Exclusion. He has had a distinguished career writing about human needs and welfare, most recently in the context of climate change and inequality.

Mark Hooper

Mark is founder of co-working space Indycube and is also active in Banc Cambria, the Cardiff Pound and Basic Income Wales. He is also a Trustee of the Bevan Foundation.


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