Skills and Job Quality during Economic Uncertainty

EventsEvent Date: Nov 4th, 2013  Time: hh:mm - hh:mm

The slow pace of economic recovery, coupled with uncertainty over trends in the medium-term economic future, render issues related to skills development and job quality of considerable relevance. This event will draw significantly upon the results of recent research results produced by the Skills and Employment Survey 2012, along with other research projects undertaken by the Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies (LLAKES). It will focus both upon long-term change and on the latest experiences in a period of austerity.

Issues to be discussed include:
• The Changing Quality and Volume of Training
• Skills and Skills Utilisation
• Inequality in Wales

The event will be relevant to an audience of policy makers, business representatives, and other interested people from Wales. Participants will be encouraged to offer inputs and exchange views based on their own experiences of employment in Wales.

Festival flyer

Date: Monday 4th November 2013,

Time: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

Venue: Committee Rooms 1 and 2, Glamorgan Building, Cardiff School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University

Booking:  Attendance is free. To register, please contact Louise Deegan, ESRC Festival of Social Science Conference Desk, tel: 020 8542 8223, e-mail: [email protected]


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