Poverty in a pandemic

Image by Teresalunt from Pixabay
EventsReportsResourcesVideosWebinarEvent Date: Jun 4th, 2020

The Coronavirus outbreak has hit people in the grip of poverty hard.

People in low-paid occupations are more likely to die from the virus, and have also been more likely to lose their jobs. The effects of lockdown on children and young people in poverty are especially worrying.

Join us for a panel discussion to find out how people in the grip of poverty in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have been affected by the coronavirus outbreak, and to explore what devolved governments are doing.

Some of the key topics covered include:

  • the unequal effects of the coronavirus outbreak on poverty in Wales and beyond;
  • actions taken to reduce the effects of the pandemic on child poverty;
  • the lessons that can learned for the future.

Download the presentation »

Download the JRF’s ‘Levelling up the economy’ report »

Download our report ‘Where next for the Welsh Economy?’ »

The Presenters:

Peter Matejic

Peter is Head of Evidence at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation where his team provides the knowledge-base to underpin and assess JRF's outcome plans and real-world impact. Before joining JRF, Peter worked for almost 20 years in the Civil Service where he led on a number of issues involving the UK Government’s annual poverty statistics. 

Rhiannon Robertson

Rhiannon Robertson is the Senior Flourish Development Officer within Cardiff Community Housing Association. Along with her team, Flourish has been developed in coproduction with the community across Cardiff to support the lives of working families to tackle In Work Poverty.

Sarah Stone

Sarah Stone is Executive Director for Wales for Samaritans. Sarah is a member of the National Advisory Group on suicide and self-harm prevention to Welsh Government, the Wales Alliance for Mental Health and the Cymru Well Wales Strategic Leadership group. Samaritans Cymru provide the secretariat for the Cross-Party Group on Suicide Prevention.  


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