Wales is in the midst of a housing crisis. As of 30 June 2024, over 11,301 people were living in temporary accommodation in Wales, meaning that they had nowhere to permanently call home. Join us as we launch a new report that provide new insights into the extent of the crisis.
The report focuses on the Bevan Foundation’s work with Shelter Cymru looking at the experiences of people living in temporary accommodation. We will explore who lives in temporary accommodation in Wales and provide insights into what living in temporary accommodation means for people’s lives.
We will also provide an update on further work we’re developing that is looking at why more progress hasn’t been made in developing new social housing.
The webinar is sure to be of interest to everyone interested in social justice in Wales. It is set to be of particular interest, however, to those who work in housing and homelessness, including those working on homelessness provision, housing development and planning.
Wendy is the Bevan Foundation's Senior Policy & Research Officer, leading on our housing projects. She began her career in housing over 25 years ago and has worked in a wide variety of roles including frontline housing management, policy and strategy development and affordable housing delivery.
Katey-Jo has a decade of experience as a housing rights campaigner in Wales. She is currently a Peer Researcher with Shelter Cymru and an Expert by Experience with Crisis. She has co-authored a book with Llinos Dafydd based on her own experiences of homelessness, No Place to Call Home.
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