It is likely that many of these changes will stick. What does that mean for people who do not have access to the internet, e.g. because they do not have the money for a broadband line or computer or they do not have the skills? This webinar explores what can be done to get more people included in the digital world.
Emma is Director of Design, Research and Communications at the Good Things Foundation, a social change charity that supports socially excluded people to improve their lives through digital. The charity brings together thousands of community partners to make up the Online Centres Network, reaching deep into communities to help people gain the support and skills they need to change their lives and overcome social challenges.
Matt manages the Digital Communities Wales programme in South East Wales, having previously worked on Communities 2.0 and Communities@One. This work brings together his training as an engineer and his passion for community development. He is based at the Wales Co-operative Centre, where has has worked since 2006.
Scott is the Community Regeneration Officer for Newydd Housing Association. He is responsible for improving tenant confidence, health and well-being through digital means. Scott’s recent work has focused on the collaboration of partners to enable service users to access and benefit from digital equipment and internet.
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