Ending poverty in early years

Poverty A photo of a man and a baby
Photo by Laura Garcia: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-father-carrying-newborn-baby-3617855/
ProjectsAugust 22nd, 2024

We’re working with Barnardo’s to understand poverty in the early years and to develop solutions 

Children deserve a secure start in life to reach their full potential. Yet 3 in 10 children in Wales still live in poverty. Under-5s in low-income families are amongst the hardest hit, with 4 in 10 children living in a family where the youngest child is under 5 trapped in poverty. This project sets out to better understand why child poverty is such a problem in the early years and to develop solutions. 


The aims of the project are:

  • To better understand why rates of child poverty are so high among families with young children.
  • To better understand what support is available to support families with younger children.
  • To develop ideas about what steps should be taken to ease the grip of poverty on families with young children.

What we’re doing? 

  • A desk based review of data on child poverty among families with the young children, and the support available.
  • Arranging a roundtable with key stakeholders. 
  • Working with YouGov to commission a survey to better understand the experiences of parents.



This work is funded by Barnardo’s and forms part of a broader programme of activity funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. 


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